How to Fix Poor Download Speed in Netgear Router
Granting the world with the privilege of browsing the internet, Netgear routers are the world's best set up which are used by every other individual at their workplace or home. Netgear wireless router connects many devices to the Internet connection, either by cable or it might connect wirelessly. Networking is a vital part of every system, and not being able to reach the internet can be a huge problem. Among these is the issue where the user fails to get a good download speed even after updating and data pack recharging of the Netgear internet connection. This issue is solvable, and to solve the problem the user can follow instructions which are mentioned below
It might seem that this issue is difficult to solve, as it might not be just down to the router. But first the user has to connect the wireless router correctly. The simple guide to connect Netgear wireless router easily is the first and foremost step. Besides the user would be amazed to know that the size of the house will be one sharing factor which is involved in the issue. The positioning of the router is another factor which is included in the problem. Some of the more questions and solutions are:
•The user can attempt on changing the channel that the Wi-Fi signal is using. If there are different networks nearby using the equivalent circuit, it could get blocked and as such the speeds may suffer. Login to the web app and in the wireless settings look for the channel settings. Choose a contrasting one to the default and notice if that benefits.
•Another easy trick which the user can follow is to use the 5GHz connection. If the Netgear router supports it, then it would improve the download speed. Many new routers are dual or tri-band, providing 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections. 2.4GHz is for distance, 5GHz is for performance. On Netgear routers, the user would notice that the 5GHz connection is a separate Wi-Fi network in Windows. By default, it'll have 5G at the end of the SSID.
•The added thing to try is allowing Net gear’s Dynamic QoS (Quality of Service) innovation that is sustained on some routers. This will improve to effectively prioritize bandwidth to make sure that the most powerful and demanding jobs, like running video and gaming, for example, are taking the portion of the bandwidth they need. When the user logs in to the router's web app, they will find it under the basic menu in the sidebar.
It is probable that the user might face issues in the same related topic even after following each and every step, therefore, in situations like these the user can contact the Netgear Support Number to get a detailed version of the solution which the user is seeking for.
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